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Home > FPGEE Score Evaluation

FPGEE Score Evaluation


  • 1. They scaled and equated your score. It is not a tally of the number of questions answered correctly and not it a percentage score.
  • 2. It is equated according to the difficulty of the question on a particular AREA during the examination of FPGEE. 
    more difficult question will have higher number of points.
  • 3. Your score is not influence by any other candidate who has given the same examination at the same time.
  • 4. Scaled score on the FPGEE Exam is from 1 to 150
  • 5. To pass the FPGEE Exam you must earn a scaled score of at least 75 or more.
  • 6. This score will be valid for five years. You have to complete the certification process before this FPGEE score expires. 

  •      i.e. 
    after passing the TOEFL Exam you will obtain Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC)Certification 
  •      If you fail to complete the certification process in next five years, you need to retake the FPGEE exam.

  • 7. You will be provided total of five attempts to pass FPGEE Exam during your process of bcoming Registered Pharmacist.
  • 8. Very important  
        The candidate must read all four areas with equal hard work and time.


You have to get minimum of 7.5 in EACH AREA of the FPGEE to pass your exam.  Please note, you must pass each section in addition to the total score. If you think to read clinical and management won't work.

       Eg. This is a Failing score  report


Individual Area

      Min. Acceptable score  

   Your Score

Basic Biomedical Sciences



Pharmaceutical Sciences



Pharmacy Sciences



Clinical Sciences



The 250 questions on the FPGEE are divided among four content areas:

        Area1: Basic biomedical science - 10%

        Area2: Pharmaceutical science - 33%

        Area3: Social, behavioral, administrative pharmacy sciences - 22%

        Area4: Clinical sciences - 35%


Above structure shows that there are different percentage rate for an individual area. This percentage means you have to study each area with a precise amount. Now if you think that AREA 2 and AREA 4 will give you entire of 68% to pass the test than you are wrong. You have to read ALL AREAS perfectly.

Remember this score is not average of all 4 areas. Individual area is very important.

      NOTE: This information is provided on our best knowledge. It should not be used to process any declaration or with any other intention by the student. We are here to provide you  free information that is known to us. Student should not misuse this information in any other purpose. There might be variation in the content given above and students should not rely on these information entirely. Bt this could be 98% correct information. Please learn more from the authorized website you know. 

